SensSmartTech database of cardiovascular signals synchronously recorded by an electrocardiograph, phonocardiograph, photoplethysmograph and accelerometer at different heart rates Authors Aleksandar Lazović, Predrag Tadić, Natalija Đorđević, Vladimir Atanasoski, Maša Tiosavljević, Marija D. Ivanović, Ljupčo Hadžievski, Arsen Ristić, Vladan Vukčević, Jovana Petrović Abstract SensSmartTech database comprises cardiovascular signals synchronously recorded by electrocardiograph (ECG), phonocardiograph (PCG), photoplethysmograph (PPG) and accelerometer (ACC) at various heart rates (HRs). It is composed of 338 30-s multiparameter recordings taken from 32 healthy volunteers. Recordings contain information from 10 channels: 4 ECG (limb, V3 and V4 leads), 1 PCG (measured at heart apex), 4 PPG (measured at carotid and brachial arteries at two light frequencies each) and 1 ACC (measured between V3 and V4 ECG electrodes). The signals are offered in two formats: WFDB (WaveForm DataBase) and CSV (comma-separated-value). CSV files contain original sensor acquisition times and recordings (save the filtering described below). WFDB files contain recordings resampled to 1 kHz onto a common time axis. Usage Notes The ECG signals are filtered by a low-pass filter with a 150 Hz cut-off. The powerline interference at 50 Hz and its 2nd and 3rd harmonics are eliminated using zero-phase notch filters. The mean value of each PPG signal was set to zero. The data are otherwise left unprocessed and are presented as originally recorded. Version: 1.0.0 Licence: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License Note: In case of any problems or comments, please refer to Jovana Petrovic, e-mail: