Name: LASTNAME,FIRSTNAME Unit No: 9999998 Admission Date: 28/06/89 Discharge Date: 02/07/89 Date of Birth: 01/01/1960 Sex: F Service: MEDICINE Allergies: Azithromycin Attending: COLERIDGE,SAMUEL T. Chief Complaint: abdominal pain Major Surgical or Invasive Procedure: None History of Present Illness: The patient has a history of known illnesses including a diagnosis of Asthma. There was no obvious inciting event prior to the onset of pain. She denies vomitting, fevers, and diarrhea. In ER: VS: 97.8 85 120/60 16 100% Studies: Abd US: Slightly distended gallbladder. Positive Murphys sign. Probable Cholecystitis. HIDA may confirm. EKG: NSR. Fluids: 2L NS Meds: Morphine 4mg IV x 1 Consults called: gen surgery: Rec HIDA scan. Review of Systems: (+) Per HPI (-) Denies a whole bunch things. Past Medical History: - h/o DVT (1985), currently not on anti-coag - h/o kidney stones Social History: Married, has 9 children, lives with husband. Denies EtOH, tobacco, IVDU. Family History: not relevant Physical Exam: VS: 98.0 118/65 83 18 100%RA, 2/10 RUQ pain GEN: Alert HEENT: no trauma CV: regular rate and rhythm GI: + Murphy's sign, soft, non-tender, no rebound EXT: no edema NEURO: intact, 5/5 motor function globally DERM: no lesions appreciated Pertinent Results: 29/06/89 06:00PM URINE UCG-NEGATIVE 29/06/89 06:00PM URINE COLOR-Yellow APPEAR-Clear SP GRAV-1.005 29/06/89 05:10PM WBC-7.0# RBC-4.05 HGB-11.2 HCT-38.9 MCV-90 MCH-27.4 MCHC-31.5 RDW-15.0 29/06/89 05:10PM PLT COUNT-150 LIVER OR GALLBLADDER US FINDINGS: The gallbladder is slightly distended with a 1.5-cm gallstone. IMPRESSION: Mildly distended gallbladder containing a single gallstone. The study and the report were reviewed by the staff radiologist. HIDA scan: Normal hepatobiliary scan. Brief Hospital Course: 29 yo F admitted with right upper quadrant abdominal pain. The patient presented with known gallstone disease. Gallstone found. HIDA scan was normal. Pain resolved over a day. She should follow-up with her PCP for repeat LFT's. Medications on Admission: Gabapentin prn headache Discharge Medications: 1. gabapentin 300 mg Capsule Sig: One (1) Capsule PO DAILY (Daily). Discharge Disposition: Home Discharge Diagnosis: Abdominal pain Asthma Discharge Condition: Stable Discharge Instructions: You were admitted with right upper quadrant abdominal pain. Your primary care doctor will help you to decide whether or not you should consider having your gallbladder removed. Please take all of your home medications as prescribed. Followup Instructions: Follow-up with your primary care doctor within the next 1-2 week. Name: TOMCAT,MARJORIE YOUNG Location: HARVARD VANGUARD MEDICAL ASSOCIATES Address: 133 BROOKLINE AVE, BOSTON,MA, 02215 Phone: 617-555-1234 Appointment: Friday, July 14th at 11AM SAMUEL T. COLERIDGE MD 12-ABC Completed by: SAMUEL T. COLERIDGE MD 12-ABC 02/07/89 @ 1021