function varargout=wfdbdesc(varargin) % % [siginfo,Fs,sigClass]=wfdbdesc(recordName) % % Wrapper to WFDB WFDBDESC: % % % Reads a WFDB record metadata and returns: % % % siginfo % Nx1 vector of structures with the following fields: % % LengthSamples : Number of samples in record (integer) % LengthTime : Duration of record (String WFDB Time) % RecordName : Record name (String) % RecordIndex : Record Index (Integer) % Description : Signal Description (String) % SamplingFrequency : Sampling Frequency w/ Units (String) % File : File name (String) % SignalIndex : Zero Based Signal Index (Integer) % StartTime : Start Time (String WFDB Time) % Group : Group (Integer) % AdcResolution : Bit resolution of the signal (String) % AdcZero : Physical value for 0 ADC (double) % Baseline : Physical zero level of signal (Integer) % CheckSum : 16-bit checksum of all samples (Integer) % Format : WFDB's Format of the samples (String) % Gain : ADC units per physical unit (String) % InitialValue : Value of sample 1 in the signal (Integer) % IO : IO Type (String) % % Fs (Optional) % Nx1 vector of doubles representing the sampling frequency of each % signal in Hz (if the 'SamplingFrequency' string is parsable). % % sigClass (Optional) % Nx1 cell array of strings for the corresponding signal class based on % information from PhysioNet: % The signal class will be one of the following: % BP blood pressure % CO cardiac output % CO2 carbon dioxide % ECG electrocardiogram % EEG electroencephalogram % EMG electromyogram % EOG electrooculogram % Flow air flow % HR heart rate % Noise for stress testing % O2 oxygen % PLETH plethysmogram % Pos body position % Resp respiration % Sound sound % ST ECG ST segment level % Status status of patient or monitor % SV stroke volume % Temp temperature % [] unkown class % % % Required Parameters: % % recorName % String specifying the name of the record in the WFDB path or % in the current directory. % % % %Example % siginfo=wfdbdesc('challenge/2013/set-a/a01') % % % %Example 2 -Get signal Classes % [siginfo,Fs,sigClass]=wfdbdesc('mitdb/100') % % % Written by Ikaro Silva, 2013 % Last Modified by Ikaro Silva, April 16, 2015 % % Version 3.0 % % Since 0.0.1 % See also RDSAMP %endOfHelp persistent javaWfdbExec config if(isempty(javaWfdbExec)) [javaWfdbExec,config]=getWfdbClass('wfdbdesc'); end %Set default pararamter values inputs={'recordName'}; outputs={'siginfo','Fs','sigClass'}; for n=1:nargin if(~isempty(varargin{n})) eval([inputs{n} '=varargin{n};']); end end wfdb_argument={recordName}; data=char(javaWfdbExec.execToStringList(wfdb_argument)); lines=[1 strfind(data,',')]; siginfo=[]; Fs=[]; sigClass={}; L=length(lines); %Define record Wide parameters RecordName=[]; StartTime =[]; LengthSamples=[]; LengthTime=[]; SamplingFrequency =[]; Notes=[]; %index for each signal ind=0; for n=1:L-1 str=(data(lines(n):lines(n+1)-1)); str=str(2:end); %Remove comma if(~isempty(strfind(str,'Record'))) C=textscan(str,'%s%s'); RecordName=C{2}{:}; elseif(~isempty(strfind(str,'Starting time:'))) ind1=strfind(str,':'); StartTime =str(ind1+2:end); elseif(~isempty(strfind(str,'Length:'))) %Should happen only once ind1=strfind(str,'('); ind2=strfind(str,'sample intervals)'); LengthSamples=str2num(str(ind1+1:ind2-1)); C=textscan(str,'%s%s%s%s%s'); LengthTime=C{2}; elseif(~isempty(strfind(str,'Sampling frequency:'))) C=textscan(str,'%s%s%u%s'); SamplingFrequency =C{3}; elseif(~isempty(strfind(str,'Group'))) %In this case we are seeing a new signal, enter record wide %fields as well ind=ind+1; C=textscan(str,'%s%d'); siginfo(ind).Group=C{2}; siginfo(ind).RecordName=RecordName; siginfo(ind).StartTime =StartTime; siginfo(ind).LengthSamples=LengthSamples; siginfo(ind).LengthTime=LengthTime{:}; siginfo(ind).SamplingFrequency =SamplingFrequency; Fs(end+1)=SamplingFrequency; elseif(~isempty(strfind(str,'Signal'))) C=textscan(str,'%s%d:'); siginfo(ind).SignalIndex=C{2}; elseif(~isempty(strfind(str,'File:'))) ind1=strfind(str,':'); siginfo(ind).File=str(ind1+2:end); elseif(~isempty(strfind(str,'Description:'))) ind1=strfind(str,':'); siginfo(ind).Description=str(ind1+2:end); elseif(~isempty(strfind(str,'Gain:'))) ind1=strfind(str,':'); siginfo(ind).Gain=str(ind1+2:end); elseif(~isempty(strfind(str,'Initial value:'))) C=textscan(str,'%s%s%f'); siginfo(ind).InitialValue=C{3}; elseif(~isempty(strfind(str,'Storage format:'))) ind1=strfind(str,':'); siginfo(ind).Format=str(ind1+2:end); elseif(~isempty(strfind(str,'I/O:'))) ind1=strfind(str,':'); siginfo(ind).IO=str(ind1+2:end); elseif(~isempty(strfind(str,'ADC resolution:'))) ind1=strfind(str,':'); siginfo(ind).AdcResolution=str(ind1+2:end); elseif(~isempty(strfind(str,'ADC zero:'))) ind1=strfind(str,':'); siginfo(ind).AdcZero=str2num(str(ind1+2:end)); elseif(~isempty(strfind(str,'Baseline:'))) C=textscan(str,'%s%f'); siginfo(ind).Baseline=C{2}; elseif(~isempty(strfind(str,'Checksum:'))) C=textscan(str,'%s%f'); siginfo(ind).CheckSum=C{2}; else %Skip unused field end end if(nargout>2) %Get signal class sigClass=getSignalClass(siginfo,config); end for n=1:nargout eval(['varargout{n}=' outputs{n} ';']); end %%%%%% Help function to return signal class information %%%%% function sigClass=getSignalClass(siginfo,config) persistent class_def if(isempty(class_def)) %Get signal class information from PhysioNet's servers %and store information locally ( persistent ) class_def=urlread([config.CACHE_SOURCE '../signals.shtml']); st_ind=findstr(class_def,'