Multimodal Physiological Monitoring During Virtual Reality Piloting Tasks: CogPilot Data Challenge
News from: Multimodal Physiological Monitoring During Virtual Reality Piloting Tasks v1.0.0.
Sept. 8, 2022
We are pleased to announce the publication of a dataset comprising multimodal physiologic, flight performance, and user interaction data streams, collected as participants performed virtual-reality flight tasks of varying difficulty.
With over an hour of highly multimodal physiological and behavioral signals collected on each of the thirty-five participants, the dataset represents a unique opportunity to develop analytics and models linking an individual’s physiology to their behavior and performance in tasks of varying difficulty.
More data are being collected and will be uploaded to PhysioNet periodically. The data underpins the CogPilot Data Challenge, which explores how performance measurements and physiological data can be used to assess the competency of student pilots. To participate in the CogPilot Challenge, visit: