| Index Entry | Section |
O | | |
| opening annotation files | annopen |
| opening database files | 2.1 Selecting Database Records |
| opening signal files | isigopen |
| operating systems (supported) | About this Guide |
| order of annotations | 5.10 Annotation Order |
| output buffer size | setobsize |
| oversampled signal (defined) | A. Glossary |
| oversampled signals | 3.1 Signal Information Structures |
P | | |
| padding | setgvmode |
| padding | getgvmode |
| parsing numeric values | 3.8 Parsing Numeric Values |
| path (database) | 1.4 The Database Path and Other Environment Variables |
| pathnames of WFDB files (obtaining) | wfdbfile |
| Perl wrappers | SWIG wrappers for Java, Perl, Python, and other languages |
| physical unit (defined) | A. Glossary |
| physical units | Signals, Samples, and Time |
| physical units | 3.1 Signal Information Structures |
| physical units | 3.2 Calibration Information Structures |
| physical units (conversion to and from adus) | aduphys |
| physical units (conversion to and from adus) | physadu |
| physical zero (defined) | A. Glossary |
| physical zero level | 3.1 Signal Information Structures |
| PhysioBank | 5.9 NETFILES |
| PhysioNet | A. Glossary |
| piped record | 5.8 Piped and Local Records |
| piped record (defined) | A. Glossary |
| pipes (as WFDB files) | 5.2 Using Standard I/O for Database Files |
| plotting scale | 3.2 Calibration Information Structures |
| pointer arguments | About these functions |
| precision of numeric types | 3.6 Limits of Numeric Types |
| printf (using WFDB data types) | 3.7 Displaying Numeric Values |
| programming examples | 6. Programming Examples |
| prolog (defined) | A. Glossary |
| prolog (in signal files) | wfdbgetstart |
| prolog (in signal files) | wfdbsetstart |
| prolog (in signal files) | wfdbputprolog |
| prolog (in signal files) | A. Glossary |
| pulse limits (calibration) | 3.2 Calibration Information Structures |
| pulse shape (calibration) | 3.2 Calibration Information Structures |
| putvec buffer size | setobsize |
| Python wrappers | SWIG wrappers for Java, Perl, Python, and other languages |
Q | | |
| QRS annotation code | 4.1 Macros for Mapping Annotation Codes |
| QRS detector | Example 10: A QRS Detector |
| QRS detector | Evaluation of ECG Analyzers |
| QRS detector | Signal Processing Applications |
| QRS label | Annotations |
R | | |
| random access | 2.4 Non-Sequential Access to WFDB Files |
| range of numeric types | 3.6 Limits of Numeric Types |
| reading 9-track tape | 5.7 Signals That Are Not Stored in Disk Files |
| reading annotations | getann |
| reading annotations | ungetann |
| reading calibration files | calopen |
| reading signals | getvec |
| reading signals | getframe |
| reading the WFDB path | getwfdb |
| reallocating memory | SREALLOC |
| record | Records |
| record (defined) | A. Glossary |
| record (piped) | 5.8 Piped and Local Records |
| record name | Records |
| record name (defined) | A. Glossary |
| record names (restrictions) | newheader |
| records (creating) | Example 8: Creating a New Database Record |
| reference annotation file (defined) | A. Glossary |
| reference annotations | Annotations |
| reference point (on QRS) | 3.4 Annotation Structures |
| release allocated memory | SFREE |
| resampling | setifreq |
| resampling | setgvmode |
| resampling | getgvmode |
| resampling | getspf |
| resampling | setiafreq |
| resampling | getiafreq |
| resampling | getiaorigfreq |
| resampling | setafreq |
| resampling | getvec |
| resampling | Changes in version 10.2.6 (24 June 2002) |
| resolution | setafreq |
| resolution | 3.1 Signal Information Structures |
| resolution | A. Glossary |
| restrictions on function and variable names | 1.6 A Note on Identifiers |
| retrieving calibration data | getcal |
| return codes | About these functions |
S | | |
| sample | Signals, Samples, and Time |
| sample (defined) | A. Glossary |
| sample frame | 5.4 Multi-Frequency Records |
| sample interval | Signals, Samples, and Time |
| sample interval (defined) | A. Glossary |
| sample number | Signals, Samples, and Time |
| sample number (defined) | A. Glossary |
| samples (invalid or missing) | setgvmode |
| samples (invalid or missing) | getgvmode |
| samples per frame | 3.1 Signal Information Structures |
| sampling frequency | Signals, Samples, and Time |
| sampling frequency | 5.4 Multi-Frequency Records |
| sampling frequency (changing) | setsampfreq |
| sampling frequency (defined) | A. Glossary |
| scale (amplitude) | 3.1 Signal Information Structures |
| scale (amplitude) | 3.1 Signal Information Structures |
| scale (amplitude) | 3.2 Calibration Information Structures |
| scales (time and amplitude) | Signals, Samples, and Time |
| scanf (using WFDB data types) | 3.8 Parsing Numeric Values |
| segment information structure | 3.5 Segment Information Structures |
| segment length | 3.5 Segment Information Structures |
| segment name | 3.5 Segment Information Structures |
| segment start | 3.5 Segment Information Structures |
| segments (in multi-segment records) | getseginfo |
| selecting database records | 2.1 Selecting Database Records |
| setting annotation code strings | setannstr, setanndesc, and setecgstr |
| signal | Signals, Samples, and Time |
| signal (associating annotation with) | 3.4 Annotation Structures |
| signal (defined) | A. Glossary |
| signal file | Signal Files |
| signal file (defined) | A. Glossary |
| signal file (local) | 5.8 Piped and Local Records |
| signal file (on tape) | 5.7 Signals That Are Not Stored in Disk Files |
| signal file (piped) | 5.8 Piped and Local Records |
| signal file checksum | 3.1 Signal Information Structures |
| signal file description | 3.1 Signal Information Structures |
| signal file format | 3.1 Signal Information Structures |
| signal file length | 3.1 Signal Information Structures |
| signal file name | 3.1 Signal Information Structures |
| signal files (creating) | osigopen |
| signal files (creating) | osigfopen |
| signal files (opening) | isigopen |
| signal group | 3.1 Signal Information Structures |
| signal group | 5.3 Multiplexed Signal Files |
| signal group (defined) | A. Glossary |
| signal group number (defined) | A. Glossary |
| signal I/O | 2.3 Reading and Writing Signals and Annotations |
| signal information structure | 3.1 Signal Information Structures |
| signal lookup | findsig |
| signal name | findsig |
| signal number | findsig |
| signal number | 3.1 Signal Information Structures |
| signal number (defined) | A. Glossary |
| signal type | 3.2 Calibration Information Structures |
| signals (non-sequential access) | isigsettime |
| signals (non-sequential access) | isgsettime |
| signals (non-sequential access) | tnextvec |
| signals (oversampled) | 3.1 Signal Information Structures |
| signals (reading) | getvec |
| signals (reading) | getframe |
| signals (writing) | putvec |
| simultaneous records | 5.6 Simultaneous Access to Multiple Records |
| skew | wfdbgetskew |
| skew | wfdbsetskew |
| skew (defined) | A. Glossary |
| skipping gaps in signals | tnextvec |
| skipping through WFDB files | 2.4 Non-Sequential Access to WFDB Files |
| sortann | 5.10 Annotation Order |
| special files (as signal files) | 5.7 Signals That Are Not Stored in Disk Files |
| sprintf (using WFDB data types) | 3.7 Displaying Numeric Values |
| sscanf (using WFDB data types) | 3.8 Parsing Numeric Values |
| standard annotation file | 3.3 Annotator Information Structures |
| standard I/O (as WFDB files) | 5.2 Using Standard I/O for Database Files |
| standard I/O (as WFDB files) | 5.8 Piped and Local Records |
| standard time format (defined) | A. Glossary |
| standard time format (examples) | strtim |
| start of sample data | wfdbgetstart |
| start of sample data | wfdbsetstart |
| start of sample data | wfdbputprolog |
| start of sample data | A. Glossary |
| storing calibration data | putcal |
| string (conversion to and from annotation code) | annstr, anndesc, and ecgstr |
| string (conversion to and from annotation code) | strann and strecg |
| string (conversion to and from Julian date) | datstr |
| string (conversion to and from Julian date) | strdat |
| string (conversion to and from time) | [ms]timstr |
| string (conversion to and from time) | strtim |
| string allocation | SSTRCPY |
| structure (annotation) | 3.4 Annotation Structures |
| structure (annotator information) | 3.3 Annotator Information Structures |
| structure (segment) | 3.5 Segment Information Structures |
| structure (signal information) | 3.1 Signal Information Structures |
| subtyp (in NOISE annotation) | 4. Annotation Codes |
| subtype (annotation) | 3.4 Annotation Structures |
| suppressing errors | wfdbquiet |
| SWIG wrappers | SWIG wrappers for Java, Perl, Python, and other languages |
| system-wide database directory (defined) | A. Glossary |