
Database Restricted Access

Upper body thermal images and associated clinical data from a pilot cohort study of COVID-19

Jose Tamez-Peña, Adam Yala, Servando Cardona, Rocio Ortiz-Lopez, Victor Trevino

Thermal videos of people with positive and negative COVID-19 tests.

thermal videos sars-cov-2 clinical symptoms covid-19

Published: Aug. 16, 2021. Version: 1.1

Database Restricted Access

Flatten: COVID-19 Survey Data on Symptoms, Demographics and Mental Health in Canada

Shrey Jain, Marie Charpignon, Mathew Samuel, Jaydeep Mistry, Nicholas Frosst, Leo Anthony Celi, Marzyeh Ghassemi

Freely accessible COVID-19 symptom dataset surveying Canadians and gathered from March to July of 2020 by the global humanitarian aid non-profit Flatten. This dataset of 294,106 surveys gathered from March 23rd to July 30th in 2020.

public health population statistics covid-19

Published: March 8, 2021. Version: 1.0

Database Contributor Review

CARMEN-I: A resource of anonymized electronic health records in Spanish and Catalan for training and testing NLP tools

Eulalia Farre Maduell, Salvador Lima-Lopez, Santiago Andres Frid, Artur Conesa, Elisa Asensio, Antonio Lopez-Rueda, Helena Arino, Elena Calvo, Maria Jesús Bertran, Maria Angeles Marcos, Montserrat Nofre Maiz, Laura Tañá Velasco, Antonia Marti, Ricardo Farreres, Xavier Pastor, Xavier Borrat Frigola, Martin Krallinger

CARMEN-I is a Spanish corpus of 2,000 clinical records from Hospital Clínic, Barcelona. It covers COVID-19 patients and comorbidities, serving as a resource for training clinical NLP models and researchers in NLP applied to clinical documents.

de-identification clinical ner anonymization

Published: April 20, 2024. Version: 1.0.1

Database Restricted Access

Upper body thermal images and associated clinical data from a pilot cohort study of COVID-19

Jose Tamez-Peña, Adam Yala, Servando Cardona, Rocio Ortiz-Lopez, Victor Trevino

Thermal videos of people with positive and negative COVID-19 tests.

thermal videos sars-cov-2 clinical symptoms covid-19

Published: Aug. 16, 2021. Version: 1.1

Database Credentialed Access

CORAL: expert-Curated medical Oncology Reports to Advance Language model inference

Madhumita Sushil, Vanessa Kennedy, Divneet Mandair, Brenda Miao, Travis Zack, Atul Butte

Medical oncology progress notes annotated with advanced, comprehensive oncology-relevant concepts and relationships.

artificial intelligence information extraction oncology natural language processing large language models electronic health records

Published: Feb. 7, 2024. Version: 1.0

Database Credentialed Access

Annotation dataset of problematic opioid use and related contexts from MIMIC-III Critical Care Database discharge summaries

Melissa Poulsen, Vanessa Troiani, Philip Freda, Danielle Mowery, Anahita Davoudi

The database contains a corpus of annotated data from the MIMIC-III Critical Care Database from a study that aimed to develop and apply an annotation schema to characterize opioid use disorder and related contextual factors.

opioid use disorder substance use natural language processing clinical notes

Published: Feb. 8, 2023. Version: 1.0.0

Database Open Access

PADS - Parkinsons Disease Smartwatch dataset

Julian Varghese, Alexander Brenner, Lucas Plagwitz, Catharina van Alen, Michael Fujarski, Tobias Warnecke

The PADS dataset contains smartwatch-based records from interactive neurological assessments of Parkinsons disease patients, differential diagnoses and healthy controls. The data is complemented with non-motor symptoms and medical history information

wearables movement disorders parkinsons disease

Published: March 25, 2024. Version: 1.0.0