Database Restricted Access
LATTE-CXR: Locally Aligned TexT and imagE, Explainable dataset for Chest X-Rays
Elham Ghelichkhan, Tolga Tasdizen
eye-tracking chest x-ray dataset automatically generated dataset caption-guided object detection localization image captioning with region-level description grounded radiology report generation phrase grounding xai multi-modal learning local visual-language models
Published: Feb. 4, 2025. Version: 1.0.0
Database Restricted Access
LATTE-CXR: Locally Aligned TexT and imagE, Explainable dataset for Chest X-Rays
Elham Ghelichkhan, Tolga Tasdizen
eye-tracking chest x-ray dataset automatically generated dataset caption-guided object detection localization image captioning with region-level description grounded radiology report generation phrase grounding xai multi-modal learning local visual-language models
Published: Feb. 4, 2025. Version: 1.0.0