Detrended Fluctuation Analysis 1.0.0
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The 470 numbered articles listed below, published before September 2004,
cite one or both of the original DFA articles:
Peng C-K, Buldyrev SV, Havlin S, Simons M, Stanley HE, Goldberger AL.
<a href="" target="other">
Mosaic organization of DNA nucleotides.</a>
<i>Phys Rev E</i> 49: 1685-1689, 1994.
Peng C-K, Havlin S, Stanley HE, Goldberger AL.
<a href="" target="other">Quantification of scaling
exponents and crossover phenomena in nonstationary heartbeat time series.</a>
<i>Chaos</i> 5: 82-87, 1995.
Use Google Scholar to find citations of these articles from
<a href="">2005 and later</a>, or from
<a href=",22">1994 and later.</a>.
As of August 2012, the second search returned about 1500 results.
[<a href="./">Return to the DFA home page</a>]
1. <b>Borovk AS, Frankkamenetskii MD and Grosberg AY</b>. Fractality of DNA Texts. <i>Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics</i> 12: 655-669, 1994.<BR>
2. <b>Li WT, Marr TG and Kaneko K</b>. Understanding Long-Range Correlations in DNA-Sequences. <i>Physica D</i> 75: 392-416, 1994.<BR>
3. <b>Ossadnik SM, Buldyrev SV, Goldberger AL, Havlin S, Mantegna RN, Peng CK, Simons M and Stanley HE</b>. Correlation Approach to Identify Coding Regions in DNA-Sequences. <i>Biophysical Journal</i> 67: 64-70, 1994.<BR>
4. <b>Stanley HE, Buldyrev SV, Goldberger AL, Havlin S, Mantegna RN, Peng CK and Simons M</b>. Statistical and Linguistic Features of Noncoding DNA - a Heterogeneous [[Complex System]]. <i>Nuovo Cimento Della Societa Italiana Di Fisica D-Condensed Matter Atomic Molecular and Chemical Physics Fluids Plasmas Biophysics</i> 16: 1339-1356, 1994.<BR>
5. <b>Stanley HE, Buldyrev SV, Goldberger AL, Goldberger ZD, Havlin S, Mantegna RN, Ossadnik SM, Peng CK and Simons M</b>. Statistical-Mechanics in Biology - How Ubiquitous Are Long-Range Correlations. <i>Physica A</i> 205: 214-253, 1994.<BR>
6. <b>Arneodo A, Bacry E, Graves PV and Muzy JF</b>. Characterizing Long-Range Correlations in DNA-Sequences from Wavelet Analysis. <i>Physical Review Letters</i> 74: 3293-3296, 1995.<BR>
7. <b>Azbel MY</b>. Universality in a DNA Statistical Structure. <i>Physical Review Letters</i> 75: 168-171, 1995.<BR>
8. <b>Belair J, Glass L, Heiden UAD and Milton J</b>. Dynamical Disease - Identification, Temporal Aspects and Treatment Strategies of Human Illness. <i>Chaos</i> 5: 1-7, 1995.<BR>
9. <b>Buldyrev SV, Goldberger AL, Havlin S, Mantegna RN, Matsa ME, Peng CK, Simons M and Stanley HE</b>. Long-Range Correlation-Properties of Coding and Noncoding DNA-Sequences - Genbank Analysis. <i>Physical Review E</i> 51: 5084-5091, 1995.<BR>
10. <b>Czirok A, Mantegna RN, Havlin S and Stanley HE</b>. Correlations in Binary Sequences and a Generalized Zipf Analysis. <i>Physical Review E</i> 52: 446-452, 1995.<BR>
11. <b>Ebeling W and Neiman A</b>. Long-Range Correlations between Letters and Sentences in Texts. <i>Physica A</i> 215: 233-241, 1995.<BR>
12. <b>Goldberger AL</b>. Fractals, DNA and the Evolution of Biologie Complexity. <i>Protein Engineering</i> 8: 97-97, 1995.<BR>
13. <b>Hausdorff JM, Peng CK, Ladin Z, Wei JY and Goldberger AL</b>. Is Walking a Random-Walk - Evidence for Long-Range Correlations in Stride Interval of Human Gait. <i>Journal of Applied Physiology</i> 78: 349-358, 1995.<BR>
14. <b>Havlin S, Buldyrev SV, Goldberger AL, Mantegna RN, Ossadnik SM, Peng CK, Simon M and Stanley HE</b>. Fractals in Biology and Medicine. <i>Chaos Solitons & Fractals</i> 6: 171-201, 1995.<BR>
15. <b>Havlin S, Buldyrev SV, Goldberger AL, Mantegna RN, Peng CK, Simons M and Stanley HE</b>. Statistical and Linguistic Features of DNA-Sequences. <i>Fractals-Complex Geometry Patterns and Scaling in Nature and Society</i> 3: 269-284, 1995.<BR>
16. <b>Peng CK, Havlin S, Hausdorff JM, Mietus JE, Stanley HE and Goldberger AL</b>. Fractal mechanisms and heart rate dynamics - Long-range correlations and their breakdown with disease. <i>Journal of Electrocardiology</i> 28: 59-65, 1995.<BR>
17. <b>Peng CK, Buldyrev SV, Goldberger AL, Havlin S, Mantegna RN, Simons M and Stanley HE</b>. Statistical Properties of DNA-Sequences. <i>Physica A</i> 221: 180-192, 1995.<BR>
18. <b>Peng CK, Havlin S, Stanley HE and Goldberger AL</b>. Quantification of Scaling Exponents and Crossover Phenomena in Nonstationary Heartbeat Time-Series. <i>Chaos</i> 5: 82-87, 1995.<BR>
19. <b>Stanley HE</b>. Phase-Transitions - Power Laws and Universality. <i>Nature</i> 378: 554-554, 1995.<BR>
20. <b>Strait BJ and Dewey TG</b>. Multifractals and Decoded Walks - Applications to Protein-Sequence Correlations. <i>Physical Review E</i> 52: 6588-6592, 1995.<BR>
21. <b>Taqqu MS, Teverovsky V and Willinger W</b>. Estimators for long-range dependence: An empirical study. <i>Fractals-an Interdisciplinary Journal on the Complex Geometry of Nature</i> 3: 785-798, 1995.<BR>
22. <b>Arneodo A, dAubentonCarafa Y, Bacry E, Graves PV, Muzy JF and Thermes C</b>. Wavelet based fractal analysis of DNA sequences. <i>Physica D</i> 96: 291-320, 1996.<BR>
23. <b>Attard GS, Hurworth AC and Jack JP</b>. Language-like features in DNA: Transposable element footprints in the genome. <i>Europhysics Letters</i> 36: 391-396, 1996.<BR>
24. <b>BernaolaGalvan P, RomanRoldan R and Oliver JL</b>. Compositional segmentation and long-range fractal correlations in DNA sequences. <i>Physical Review E</i> 53: 5181-5189, 1996.<BR>
25. <b>Chechetkin VR and Turygin AY</b>. Study of correlations in DNA sequences. <i>Journal of Theoretical Biology</i> 178: 205-217, 1996.<BR>
26. <b>Goldberger AL</b>. Fractals and the birth of Gothic: Reflections on the biologic basis of creativity. <i>Molecular Psychiatry</i> 1: 99-104, 1996.<BR>
27. <b>Goldberger AL</b>. Non-linear dynamics for clinicians: Chaos theory, fractals, and complexity at the bedside. <i>Lancet</i> 347: 1312-1314, 1996.<BR>
28. <b>Hausdorff JM and Peng CK</b>. Multiscaled randomness: A possible source of 1/f noise in biology. <i>Physical Review E</i> 54: 2154-2157, 1996.<BR>
29. <b>Hausdorff JM, Purdon PL, Peng CK, Ladin Z, Wei JY and Goldberger AL</b>. Fractal dynamics of human gait: Stability of long-range correlations in stride interval fluctuations. <i>Journal of Applied Physiology</i> 80: 1448-1457, 1996.<BR>
30. <b>Ivanov PC, Rosenblum MG, Peng CK, Mietus J, Havlin S, Stanley HE and Goldberger AL</b>. Scaling behaviour of heartbeat intervals obtained by wavelet-based time-series analysis. <i>Nature</i> 383: 323-327, 1996.<BR>
31. <b>Iyengar N, Peng CK, Morin R, Goldberger AL and Lipsitz LA</b>. Age-related alterations in the fractal scaling of cardiac interbeat interval dynamics. <i>American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology</i> 40: R1078-R1084, 1996.<BR>
32. <b>KoscielnyBunde E, Bunde A, Havlin S and Goldreich Y</b>. Analysis of daily temperature fluctuations. <i>Physica A</i> 231: 393-396, 1996.<BR>
33. <b>Kubstrup C and Mosekilde E</b>. Bifurcation structure of an optical ring cavity. <i>Physica Scripta</i> T67: 167-175, 1996.<BR>
34. <b>KutnjakUrbanc B, Havlin S and Stanley HE</b>. Temporal correlations in a one-dimensional sandpile model. <i>Physical Review E</i> 54: 6109-6113, 1996.<BR>
35. <b>Makikallio TH, Seppanen T, Niemela M, Airaksinen KEJ, Tulppo M and Huikuri HV</b>. Abnormalities in beat to beat complexity of heart rate dynamics in patients with a previous myocardial infarction. <i>Journal of the American College of Cardiology</i> 28: 1005-1011, 1996.<BR>
36. <b>Makse HA, Havlin S, Ivanov PC, King PR, Prakash S and Stanley HE</b>. Pattern formation in sedimentary rocks: Connectivity, permeability, and spatial correlations. <i>Physica A</i> 233: 587-605, 1996.<BR>
37. <b>Makse HA, Davies GW, Havlin S, Ivanov PC, King PR and Stanley HE</b>. Long-range correlations in permeability fluctuations in porous rock. <i>Physical Review E</i> 54: 3129-3134, 1996.<BR>
38. <b>RomanRoldan R, BernaolaGalvan P and Oliver JL</b>. Application of information theory to DNA sequence analysis: A review. <i>Pattern Recognition</i> 29: 1187-1194, 1996.<BR>
39. <b>Stanley HE, Amaral LAN, Buldyrev SV, Goldberger AL, Havlin S, Hyman BT, Leschhorn H, Maass P, Makse HA, Peng CK, Salinger MA, Stanley MHR and Viswanathan GM</b>. Scaling and universality in living systems. <i>Fractals-an Interdisciplinary Journal on the Complex Geometry of Nature</i> 4: 427-451, 1996.<BR>
40. <b>Stanley HE, Amaral LAN, Buldyrev SV, Goldberger AL, Havlin S, Leschhorn H, Maass P, Makse HA, Peng CK, Salinger MA, Stanley MHR and Viswanathan GM</b>. Scaling and universality in animate and inanimate systems. <i>Physica A</i> 231: 20-48, 1996.<BR>
41. <b>Stanley HE, Afanasyev V, Amaral LAN, Buldyrev SV, Goldberger AL, Havlin S, Leschhorn H, Maass P, Mantegna RN, Peng CK, Prince PA, Salinger MA, Stanley MHR and Viswanathan GM</b>. Anomalous fluctuations in the dynamics of complex systems: From DNA and physiology to econophysics. <i>Physica A</i> 224: 302-321, 1996.<BR>
42. <b>Tiwari S, Bhattacharya A, Bhattacharya S and Ramaswamy R</b>. Gene identification in silico. <i>Current Science</i> 71: 12-24, 1996.<BR>
43. <b>Turcott RG and Teich MC</b>. Fractal character of the electrocardiogram: Distinguishing heart-failure and normal patients. <i>Annals of Biomedical Engineering</i> 24: 269-293, 1996.<BR>
44. <b>Vieira MD and Herrmann HJ</b>. A growth model for DNA evolution. <i>Europhysics Letters</i> 33: 409-414, 1996.<BR>
45. <b>Vilensky B</b>. Can analysis of word frequency distinguish between writings of different authors? <i>Physica A</i> 231: 705-711, 1996.<BR>
46. <b>Viswanathan GM, Afanasyev V, Buldyrev SV, Murphy EJ, Prince PA and Stanley HE</b>. Levy flight search patterns of wandering albatrosses. <i>Nature</i> 381: 413-415, 1996.<BR>
47. <b>Behrman A and Baken RJ</b>. Correlation dimension of electroglottographic data from healthy and pathologic subjects. <i>Journal of the Acoustical Society of America</i> 102: 2371-2379, 1997.<BR>
48. <b>Cannon MJ, Percival DB, Caccia DC, Raymond GM and Bassingthwaighte JB</b>. Evaluating scaled windowed variance methods for estimating the Hurst coefficient of time series. <i>Physica A</i> 241: 606-626, 1997.<BR>
49. <b>Cizeau P, Liu YH, Meyer M, Peng CK and Stanley HE</b>. Volatility distribution in the S&P500 stock index. <i>Physica A</i> 245: 441-445, 1997.<BR>
50. <b>DishonBerkovits M and Berkovits R</b>. Work-related tardiness: Lateness incident distribution and long-range correlations. <i>Fractals-an Interdisciplinary Journal on the Complex Geometry of Nature</i> 5: 321-324, 1997.<BR>
51. <b>Goldberger AL</b>. Fractal variability versus pathologic periodicity: Complexity loss and stereotypy in disease. <i>Perspectives in Biology and Medicine</i> 40: 543-561, 1997.<BR>
52. <b>Hausdorff JM, Mitchell SL, Firtion R, Peng CK, Cudkowicz ME, Wei JY and Goldberger AL</b>. Altered fractal dynamics of gait: Reduced stride-interval correlations with aging and Huntington's disease. <i>Journal of Applied Physiology</i> 82: 262-269, 1997.<BR>
53. <b>Ho KKL, Moody GB, Peng CK, Mietus JE, Larson MG, Levy D and Goldberger AL</b>. Predicting survival in heart failure case and control subjects by use of fully automated methods for deriving nonlinear and conventional indices of heart rate dynamics. <i>Circulation</i> 96: 842-848, 1997.<BR>
54. <b>Liu YH, Cizeau P, Meyer M, Peng CK and Stanley HE</b>. Correlations in economic time series. <i>Physica A</i> 245: 437-440, 1997.<BR>
55. <b>Makikallio TH, Seppanen T, Airaksinen KEJ, Koistinen J, Tulppo MP, Peng CK, Goldberger AL and Huikuri HV</b>. Dynamic analysis of heart rate may predict subsequent ventricular tachycardia after myocardial infarction. <i>American Journal of Cardiology</i> 80: 779-&, 1997.<BR>
56. <b>Paulus MP</b>. Long-range interactions in sequences of human behavior. <i>Physical Review E</i> 55: 3249-3256, 1997.<BR>
57. <b>Poon CS and Merrill CK</b>. Decrease of cardiac chaos in congestive heart failure. <i>Nature</i> 389: 492-495, 1997.<BR>
58. <b>Ragosta M, Serio C, Lanfredi MT and Macchiato M</b>. Dynamical degrees of freedom of DNA sequences by local and global short-range prediction. <i>Fractals-an Interdisciplinary Journal on the Complex Geometry of Nature</i> 5: 1-10, 1997.<BR>
59. <b>Vandewalle N and Ausloos M</b>. Coherent and random sequences in financial fluctuations. <i>Physica A</i> 246: 454-459, 1997.<BR>
60. <b>Viswanatha GM, Peng CK, Stanley HE and Goldberger AL</b>. Deviations from uniform power law scaling in nonstationary time series. <i>Physical Review E</i> 55: 845-849, 1997.<BR>
61. <b>Viswanathan GM, Buldyrev SV, Havlin S and Stanley HE</b>. Quantification of DNA patchiness using long-range correlation measures. <i>Biophysical Journal</i> 72: 866-875, 1997.<BR>
62. <b>Zhang XS, Zhu YS and Zhang XJ</b>. New approach to studies on ECG dynamics: extraction and analyses of QRS complex irregularity time series. <i>Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing</i> 35: 467-473, 1997.<BR>
63. <b>Zik O, Moses E, Olami Z and Webman I</b>. Scaling of propagating capillary fronts. <i>Europhysics Letters</i> 38: 509-514, 1997.<BR>
64. <b>Zochowski M, WinkowskaNowak K, Nowak A, Karpinski G and Budaj A</b>. Autocorrelations of R-R distributions as a measure of heart variability. <i>Physical Review E</i> 56: 3725-3727, 1997.<BR>
65. <b>Allegrini P, Buiatti M, Grigolini P and West BJ</b>. Fractional Brownian motion as a nonstationary process: An alternative paradigm for DNA sequences. <i>Physical Review E</i> 57: 4558-4567, 1998.<BR>
66. <b>Ashkenazy Y, Lewkowicz M, Levitan J, Moelgaard H, Thomsen PEB and Saermark K</b>. Discrimination of the healthy and sick cardiac autonomic nervous system by a new wavelet analysis of heartbeat intervals. <i>Fractals-an Interdisciplinary Journal on the Complex Geometry of Nature</i> 6: 197-203, 1998.<BR>
67. <b>Barbi M, Chillemi S, Di Garbo A, Balocchi R, Carpeggiani C, Emdin M, Michelassi C and Santarcangelo E</b>. Predictability and nonlinearity of the heart rhythm. <i>Chaos Solitons & Fractals</i> 9: 507-515, 1998.<BR>
68. <b>Bickel DR, Verklan MT and Moon J</b>. Detection of anomalous diffusion using confidence intervals of the scaling exponent with application to preterm neonatal heart rate variability. <i>Physical Review E</i> 58: 6440-6448, 1998.<BR>
69. <b>Buldyrev SV, Dokholyan NV, Goldberger AL, Havlin S, Peng CK, Stanley HE and Viswanathan GM</b>. Analysis of DNA sequences using methods of statistical physics. <i>Physica A</i> 249: 430-438, 1998.<BR>
70. <b>Chechetkin VR and Lobzin VV</b>. Study of correlations in segmented DNA sequences: Application to structural coupling between exons and introns. <i>Journal of Theoretical Biology</i> 190: 69-83, 1998.<BR>
71. <b>Ebeling W and Frommel C</b>. Entropy and predictability of information carriers. <i>Biosystems</i> 46: 47-55, 1998.<BR>
72. <b>Goldstein B and Buchman TG</b>. Heart rate variability in intensive care. <i>Journal of Intensive Care Medicine</i> 13: 252-265, 1998.<BR>
73. <b>Herzel H, Trifonov EN, Weiss O and Grosse I</b>. Interpreting correlations in biosequences. <i>Physica A</i> 249: 449-459, 1998.<BR>
74. <b>Hoop B, Krause WL and Kazemi H</b>. Temporal correlation in phrenic neural activity. In: <i>Advances in Modeling and Control of Ventilation</i>, 1998, p. 111-118.<BR>
75. <b>Ivanov PC, Rosenblum MG, Peng CK, Mietus JE, Havlin S, Stanley HE and Goldberger AL</b>. Scaling and universality in heart rate variability distributions. <i>Physica A</i> 249: 587-593, 1998.<BR>
76. <b>Koscielny-Bunde E, Bunde A, Havlin S, Roman HE, Goldreich Y and Schellnhuber HJ</b>. Indication of a universal persistence law governing atmospheric variability. <i>Physical Review Letters</i> 81: 729-732, 1998.<BR>
77. <b>Koscielny-Bunde E, Roman HE, Bunde A, Havlin S and Schellnhuber HJ</b>. Long-range power-law correlations in local daily temperature fluctuations. <i>Philosophical Magazine B-Physics of Condensed Matter Statistical Mechanics Electronic Optical and Magnetic Properties</i> 77: 1331-1340, 1998.<BR>
78. <b>Lu X, Sun ZR, Chen HM and Li YD</b>. Characterizing self-similarity in bacteria DNA sequences. <i>Physical Review E</i> 58: 3578-3584, 1998.<BR>
79. <b>Makikallio TH, Ristimae T, Airaksinen J, Peng CK, Goldberger AL and Huikuri HV</b>. Heart rate dynamics in patients with stable angina pectoris and utility of fractal and complexity measures. <i>American Journal of Cardiology</i> 81: 27-31, 1998.<BR>
80. <b>Meyer M, Rahmel A, Marconi C, Grassi B, Cerretelli P and Skinner JE</b>. Stability of heartbeat interval distributions in chronic high altitude hypoxia. <i>Integrative Physiological and Behavioral Science</i> 33: 344-362, 1998.<BR>
81. <b>Meyer M, Rahmel A, Marconi C, Grassi B, Skinner JE and Cerretelli P</b>. Is the heart preadapted to hypoxia? Evidence from fractal dynamics of heartbeat interval fluctuations at high altitude (5,050 m). <i>Integrative Physiological and Behavioral Science</i> 33: 9-40, 1998.<BR>
82. <b>Peng CK, Hausdorff JM, Havlin S, Mietus JE, Stanley HE and Goldberger AL</b>. Multiple-time scales analysis of physiological time series under neural control. <i>Physica A</i> 249: 491-500, 1998.<BR>
83. <b>Pilgram B and Kaplan DT</b>. A comparison of estimators for 1/f noise. <i>Physica D</i> 114: 108-122, 1998.<BR>
84. <b>Posiewnik A and Dabkowski J</b>. A new tool for nonlinear dynamical analysis of heart rate variability. <i>Zeitschrift Fur Naturforschung Section a-a Journal of Physical Sciences</i> 53: 112-116, 1998.<BR>
85. <b>Roman-Roldan R, Bernaola-Galvan P and Oliver JL</b>. Sequence compositional complexity of DNA through an entropic segmentation method. <i>Physical Review Letters</i> 80: 1344-1347, 1998.<BR>
86. <b>Rosu H</b>. Why DNA? <i>Nuovo Cimento Della Societa Italiana Di Fisica D-Condensed Matter Atomic Molecular and Chemical Physics Fluids Plasmas Biophysics</i> 20: 73-77, 1998.<BR>
87. <b>Stanley HE, Amaral LAN, Andrade JS, Buldyrev SV, Havlin S, Makse HA, Peng CK, Suki B and Viswanathan G</b>. Scale-invariant correlations in the biological and social sciences. <i>Philosophical Magazine B-Physics of Condensed Matter Statistical Mechanics Electronic Optical and Magnetic Properties</i> 77: 1373-1388, 1998.<BR>
88. <b>Thurner S, Feurstein MC, Lowen SB and Teich MC</b>. Receiver-operating-characteristic analysis reveals superiority of scale-dependent wavelet and spectral measures for assessing cardiac dysfunction. <i>Physical Review Letters</i> 81: 5688-5691, 1998.<BR>
89. <b>Thurner S, Feurstein MC and Teich MC</b>. Multiresolution wavelet analysis of heartbeat intervals discriminates healthy patients from those with cardiac pathology. <i>Physical Review Letters</i> 80: 1544-1547, 1998.<BR>
90. <b>Toweill DL and Goldstein B</b>. Linear and nonlinear dynamics and the pathophysiology of shock. <i>New Horizons-the Science and Practice of Acute Medicine</i> 6: 155-168, 1998.<BR>
91. <b>Viswanathan GM, Buldyrev SV, Havlin S and Stanley HE</b>. Long-range correlation measures for quantifying patchiness: Deviations from uniform power-law scaling in genomic DNA. <i>Physica A</i> 249: 581-586, 1998.<BR>
92. <b>Absil PA, Sepulchre R, Bilge A and Gerard P</b>. Nonlinear analysis of cardiac rhythm fluctuations using DFA method. <i>Physica a-Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications</i> 272: 235-244, 1999.<BR>
93. <b>Alados CL and Weber DN</b>. Lead effects on the predictability of reproductive behavior in fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas): A mathematical model. <i>Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry</i> 18: 2392-2399, 1999.<BR>
94. <b>Amaral LAN, Cizeau P, Gopikrishnan P, Liu Y, Meyer M, Peng CK and Stanley HE</b>. Econophysics: can statistical physics contribute to the science of economics? <i>Computer Physics Communications</i> 122: 145-152, 1999.<BR>
95. <b>Ashkenazy Y, Lewkowicz M, Levitan J, Havlin S, Saermark K, Moelgaard H and Thomsen PEB</b>. Discrimination between healthy and sick cardiac autonomic nervous system by detrended heart rate variability analysis. <i>Fractals-Complex Geometry Patterns and Scaling in Nature and Society</i> 7: 85-91, 1999.<BR>
96. <b>Behrman A</b>. Global and local dimensions of vocal dynamics. <i>Journal of the Acoustical Society of America</i> 105: 432-443, 1999.<BR>
97. <b>Blesic S, Milosevic S, Stratimirovic D and Ljubisavljevic M</b>. Detrended fluctuation analysis of time series of a firing fusimotor neuron. <i>Physica A</i> 268: 275-282, 1999.<BR>
98. <b>Costa RN, Almeida MP, Andrade JS and Moreira JE</b>. Scaling behavior in a proportional voting process. <i>Physical Review E</i> 60: 1067-1068, 1999.<BR>
99. <b>Deng J, He YF, Ye F, Long QY and Lung CW</b>. Accurate assessment of the roughness exponent of a fracture surface via scanning tunnelling microscopy. <i>Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics</i> 32: L45-L48, 1999.<BR>
100. <b>Hausdorff JM, Zemany L, Peng CK and Goldberger AL</b>. Maturation of gait dynamics: stride-to-stride variability and its temporal organization in children. <i>Journal of Applied Physiology</i> 86: 1040-1047, 1999.<BR>
101. <b>Havlin S, Amaral LAN, Ashkenazy Y, Goldberger AL, Ivanov PC, Peng CK and Stanley HE</b>. Application of statistical physics to heartbeat diagnosis. <i>Physica a-Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications</i> 274: 99-110, 1999.<BR>
102. <b>Havlin S, Buldyrev SV, Bunde A, Goldberger AL, Ivanov PC, Peng CK and Stanley HE</b>. Scaling in nature: from DNA through heartbeats to weather. <i>Physica a-Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications</i> 273: 46-69, 1999.<BR>
103. <b>Huikuri HV, Poutiainen AM, Makikallio TH, Koistinen MJ, Airaksinen KEJ, Mitrani RD, Myerburg RJ and Castellanos A</b>. Dynamic behavior and autonomic regulation of ectopic atrial pacemakers. <i>Circulation</i> 100: 1416-1422, 1999.<BR>
104. <b>Ivanov VA, Chertovich AV, Lazutin AA, Shusharina NP, Khalatur PG and Khokhlov AR</b>. Computer simulation of globules with microstructure. <i>Macromolecular Symposia</i> 146: 259-265, 1999.<BR>
105. <b>Ivanov PC, Bunde A, Amaral LAN, Havlin S, Fritsch-Yelle J, Baevsky RM, Stanley HE and Goldberger AL</b>. Sleep-wake differences in scaling behavior of the human heartbeat: Analysis of terrestrial and long-term space flight data. <i>Europhysics Letters</i> 48: 594-600, 1999.<BR>
106. <b>Ivanov PC, Amaral LAN, Goldberger AL, Havlin S, Rosenblum MG, Struzik ZR and Stanley HE</b>. Multifractality in human heartbeat dynamics. <i>Nature</i> 399: 461-465, 1999.<BR>
107. <b>Ivanova K and Ausloos M</b>. Application of the detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA) method for describing cloud breaking. <i>Physica a-Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications</i> 274: 349-354, 1999.<BR>
108. <b>Ivanova K</b>. Toward a phase diagram for stocks. <i>Physica A</i> 270: 567-577, 1999.<BR>
109. <b>Ivanova K and Ausloos M</b>. Low-order variability diagrams for short-range correlation evidence in financial data: BGL-USD exchange rate, Dow Jones industrial average, gold ounce price. <i>Physica a-Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications</i> 265: 279-291, 1999.<BR>
110. <b>Janosi IM, Janecsko B and Kondor I</b>. Statistical analysis of 5 s index data of the Budapest Stock Exchange. <i>Physica A</i> 269: 111-124, 1999.<BR>
111. <b>Kantelhardt JW, Berkovits R, Havlin S and Bunde A</b>. Are the phases in the Anderson model long-range correlated? <i>Physica A</i> 266: 461-464, 1999.<BR>
112. <b>Koorpelainen JT, Sotaniemi KA, Makikallio A, Huikuri HV and Myllyla VV</b>. Dynamic behavior of heart rate in ischemic stroke. <i>Stroke</i> 30: 1008-1013, 1999.<BR>
113. <b>Liebovitch LS, Todorov AT, Zochowski M, Scheurle D, Colgin L, Wood MA, Ellenbogen KA, Herre JM and Bernstein RC</b>. Nonlinear properties of cardiac rhythm abnormalities. <i>Physical Review E</i> 59: 3312-3319, 1999.<BR>
114. <b>Liu YH, Gopikrishnan P, Cizeau P, Meyer M, Peng CK and Stanley HE</b>. Statistical properties of the volatility of price fluctuations. <i>Physical Review E</i> 60: 1390-1400, 1999.<BR>
115. <b>Lux T and Marchesi M</b>. Scaling and criticality in a stochastic multi-agent model of a financial market. <i>Nature</i> 397: 498-500, 1999.<BR>
116. <b>Makikallio TH, Hoiber S, Kober L, Torp-Pedersen C, Peng CK, Goldberger AL and Huikuri HV</b>. Fractal analysis of heart rate dynamics as a predictor of mortality in patients with depressed left ventricular function after acute myocardial infarction. <i>American Journal of Cardiology</i> 83: 836-839, 1999.<BR>
117. <b>Makikallio TH, Koistinen J, Jordaens L, Tulppo MP, Wood N, Golosarsky B, Peng CK, Goldberger AL and Huikuri HV</b>. Heart rate dynamics before spontaneous onset of ventricular fibrillation in patients with healed myocardial infarcts. <i>American Journal of Cardiology</i> 83: 880-884, 1999.<BR>
118. <b>Makowiec D, Dabkowski J and Groth M</b>. The Eve effect in the Penna model of biological ageing. <i>Physica A</i> 273: 169-181, 1999.<BR>
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367. <b>Metzler R</b>. Comment on "Power-law correlations in the southern-oscillation-index fluctuations characterizing El Nino". <i>Physical Review E</i> 67, 2003.<BR>
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370. <b>Monetti RA, Havlin S and Bunde A</b>. Long-term persistence in the sea surface temperature fluctuations. <i>Physica a-Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications</i> 320: 581-589, 2003.<BR>
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372. <b>Moret MA, Zebende GF, Nogueira E and Pereira MG</b>. Fluctuation analysis of stellar x-ray binary systems. <i>Physical Review E</i> 68, 2003.<BR>
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374. <b>Ohashi K, Amaral LAN, Natelson BH and Yamamoto Y</b>. Asymmetrical singularities in real-world signals. <i>Physical Review E</i> 68, 2003.<BR>
375. <b>Pavlov AN and Dumsky DV</b>. Return times dynamics: role of the Poincare section in numerical analysis. <i>Chaos Solitons & Fractals</i> 18: 795-801, 2003.<BR>
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380. <b>Robinson PA</b>. Interpretation of scaling properties of electroencephalographic fluctuations via spectral analysis and underlying physiology. <i>Physical Review E</i> 67, 2003.<BR>
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390. <b>Telesca L, Lapenna V and Macchiato M</b>. Investigating the time-clustering properties in seismicity of Umbria-Marche region (central Italy). <i>Chaos Solitons & Fractals</i> 18: 203-217, 2003.<BR>
391. <b>Telesca L, Colangelo G, Lapenna V and Macchiato M</b>. Monofractal and multifractal characterization of geoelectrical signals measured in southern Italy. <i>Chaos Solitons & Fractals</i> 18: 385-399, 2003.<BR>
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396. <b>Varotsos PA, Sarlis NV and Skordas ES</b>. Attempt to distinguish electric signals of a dichotomous nature. <i>Physical Review E</i> 68, 2003.<BR>
397. <b>Varotsos PA, Sarlis NV and Skordas ES</b>. Long-range correlations in the electric signals that precede rupture: Further investigations. <i>Physical Review E</i> 67, 2003.<BR>
398. <b>Vikman S, Makikallio TH, Yli-Mayry S, Nurmi M, Airaksinen KEJ and Huikuri HV</b>. Heart rate variability and recurrence of atrial fibrillation after electrical cardioversion. <i>Annals of Medicine</i> 35: 36-42, 2003.<BR>
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401. <b>Wilson PS, Tomsett AC and Toumi R</b>. Long-memory analysis of time series with missing values. <i>Physical Review E</i> 68, 2003.<BR>
402. <b>Yulmetyev R, Demin S, Emelyanova N, Gafarov F and Hanggi P</b>. Stratification of the phase clouds and statistical effects of the non-Markovity in chaotic time series of human gait for healthy people and Parkinson patients. <i>Physica a-Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications</i> 319: 432-446, 2003.<BR>
403. <b>Zhu JL and Liu ZG</b>. Long-range persistence of acid deposition. <i>Atmospheric Environment</i> 37: 2605-2613, 2003.<BR>
404. <b>Acquisti C, Allegrini P, Bogani P, Buiatti M, Catanese E, Fronzoni L, Grigolini P, Mersi G and Palatella L</b>. In the search for the low-complexity sequences in prokaryotic and eukaryotic genomes: how to derive a coherent picture from global and local entropy measures. <i>Chaos Solitons & Fractals</i> 20: 127-137, 2004.<BR>
405. <b>Alados CL, Pueyo Y, Barrantes O, Escos J, Giner L and Robles AB</b>. Variations in landscape patterns and vegetation cover between 1957 and 1994 in a semiarid Mediterranean ecosystem. <i>Landscape Ecology</i> 19: 543-559, 2004.<BR>
406. <b>Amaral LAN, Soares DJB, da Silva LR, Lucena LS, Saito M, Kumano H, Aoyagi N and Yamamoto Y</b>. Power law temporal auto-correlations in day-long records of human physical activity and their alteration with disease. <i>Europhysics Letters</i> 66: 448-454, 2004.<BR>
407. <b>Amaral LAN and Ottino JM</b>. Complex systems and networks: challenges and opportunities for chemical and biological engineers. <i>Chemical Engineering Science</i> 59: 1653-1666, 2004.<BR>
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410. <b>Ausloos M and Ivanova K</b>. Classical technical analysis of Latin American market indices. Correlations in Latin American currencies (ARS, CLP, MXP) exchange rates with respect to DEM, GBP, JPY and USD. <i>Brazilian Journal of Physics</i> 34: 504-511, 2004.<BR>
411. <b>Bian CH and Ning XB</b>. Evaluating age-related loss of nonlinearity degree in short-term heartbeat series by optimum modeling dimension. <i>Physica a-Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications</i> 337: 149-156, 2004.<BR>
412. <b>Burnecki K and Weron A</b>. Levy stable processes. From stationary to self-similar dynamics and back. An application to finance. <i>Acta Physica Polonica B</i> 35: 1343-1358, 2004.<BR>
413. <b>Cajueiro DO and Tabak BM</b>. The Hurst exponent over time: testing the assertion that emerging markets are becoming more efficient. <i>Physica a-Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications</i> 336: 521-537, 2004.<BR>
414. <b>Carbone A, Castelli G and Stanley HE</b>. Analysis of clusters formed by the moving average of a long-range correlated time series. <i>Physical Review E</i> 69, 2004.<BR>
415. <b>Chakravarthy N, Spanias A, Iasemidis LD and Tsakalis K</b>. Autoregressive modeling and feature analysis of DNA sequences. <i>Eurasip Journal on Applied Signal Processing</i> 2004: 13-28, 2004.<BR>
416. <b>Dudkowska A and Makowiec D</b>. Sleep and wake phase of heart beat dynamics by artificial insymmetrised patterns. <i>Physica a-Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications</i> 336: 174-180, 2004.<BR>
417. <b>Echeverria JC, Hayes-Gill BR, Crowe JA and Woolfson MS</b>. Detrended fluctuation analysis: a suitable method for studying fetal heart rate variability? <i>Physiological Measurement</i> 25: 763-774, 2004.<BR>
418. <b>Fukuda K, Stanley HE and Amaral LAN</b>. Heuristic segmentation of a nonstationary time series. <i>Physical Review E</i> 69, 2004.<BR>
419. <b>Fulco UL, Lyra ML, Petroni F, Serva M and Viswanathan GM</b>. A stochastic model for multifractal behavior of stock prices. <i>International Journal of Modern Physics B</i> 18: 681-689, 2004.<BR>
420. <b>Gneiting T and Schlather M</b>. Stochastic models that separate fractal dimension and the Hurst effect. <i>Siam Review</i> 46: 269-282, 2004.<BR>
421. <b>Grech D and Mazur Z</b>. Can one make any crash prediction in finance using the local Hurst exponent idea? <i>Physica a-Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications</i> 336: 133-145, 2004.<BR>
422. <b>Hu K, Ivanov PC, Chen Z, Hilton MF, Stanley HE and Shea SA</b>. Non-random fluctuations and multi-scale dynamics regulation of human activity. <i>Physica a-Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications</i> 337: 307-318, 2004.<BR>
423. <b>Hwa RC and Ferree TC</b>. Stroke detection based on the scaling properties of human EEG. <i>Physica a-Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications</i> 338: 246-254, 2004.<BR>
424. <b>Ignaccolo M, Allegrini P, Grigolini P, Hamilton P and West BJ</b>. Scaling in non-stationary time series. (I). <i>Physica a-Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications</i> 336: 595-622, 2004.<BR>
425. <b>Ignaccolo M, Allegrini P, Grigolini P, Hamilton P and West BJ</b>. Scaling in non-stationary time series. (II). Teen birth phenomenon. <i>Physica a-Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications</i> 336: 623-637, 2004.<BR>
426. <b>Imponente G</b>. Complex dynamics of the biological rhythms: gallbladder and heart cases. <i>Physica a-Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications</i> 338: 277-281, 2004.<BR>
427. <b>Isvoran A</b>. Describing some properties of adenylat kinase using fractal concepts. <i>Chaos Solitons & Fractals</i> 19: 141-145, 2004.<BR>
428. <b>Ivanov PC, Yuen A, Podobnik B and Lee Y</b>. Common scaling patterns in intertrade times of US stocks. <i>Physical Review E</i> 69, 2004.<BR>
429. <b>Jennings HD, Ivanov PC, Martins AD, da Silva PC and Viswanathan GM</b>. Variance fluctuations in nonstationary time series: a comparative study of music genres. <i>Physica a-Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications</i> 336: 585-594, 2004.<BR>
430. <b>Jones OD and Shen Y</b>. Estimating the Hurst index of a self-similar process via the crossing tree. <i>Ieee Signal Processing Letters</i> 11: 416-419, 2004.<BR>
431. <b>Kim JH, Yi SH, Yoo CS, Yang SA, Yoon SC, Lee KY, Ahn YM, Kang UG and Kim YS</b>. Heart rate dynamics and their relationship to psychotic symptom severity in clozapine-treated schizophrenic subjects. <i>Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry</i> 28: 371-378, 2004.<BR>
432. <b>Kuusela T</b>. Stochastic heart-rate model can reveal pathologic cardiac dynamics. <i>Physical Review E</i> 69, 2004.<BR>
433. <b>Laitio TT, Huikuri HV, Makikallio TH, Jalonen J, Kentala ESH, Helenius H, Pullisaar O, Hartiala J and Scheinin H</b>. The breakdown of fractal heart rate dynamics predicts prolonged postoperative myocardial ischemia. <i>Anesthesia and Analgesia</i> 98: 1239-1244, 2004.<BR>
434. <b>Latka M, Glaubic-Latka M, Latka D and West BJ</b>. Fractal rigidity in migraine. <i>Chaos Solitons & Fractals</i> 20: 165-170, 2004.<BR>
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437. <b>Makikallio AM, Makikallio TH, Korpelainen JT, Sotaniemi KA, Huikuri HV and Myllyla VV</b>. Heart rate dynamics predict poststroke mortality. <i>Neurology</i> 62: 1822-1826, 2004.<BR>
438. <b>Makowiec D</b>. Deficit in small returns on inefficient market. <i>Acta Physica Polonica B</i> 35: 1751-1762, 2004.<BR>
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441. <b>Martinis M, Knezevic A, Krstacic G and Vargovic E</b>. Changes in the Hurst exponent of heartbeat intervals during physical activity. <i>Physical Review E</i> 70, 2004.<BR>
442. <b>Masugi M</b>. Self-organizing map-based analysis of IP-network traffic in terms of time variation of self-similarity: A detrended fluctuation analysis approach. <i>Ieice Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics Communications and Computer Sciences</i> E87A: 1546-1554, 2004.<BR>
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444. <b>Matos JMO, de Moura EP, Kruger SE and Rebello JMA</b>. Rescaled range analysis and detrended fluctuation analysis study of cast irons ultrasonic backscattered signals. <i>Chaos Solitons & Fractals</i> 19: 55-60, 2004.<BR>
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448. <b>Pang NN and Tzeng WJ</b>. Extraction of backgrounds in fluctuating systems. <i>Physical Review E</i> 69, 2004.<BR>
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450. <b>Pattantyus-Abraham M, Kiraly A and Janosi IM</b>. Nonuniversal atmospheric persistence: Different scaling of daily minimum and maximum temperatures. <i>Physical Review E</i> 69, 2004.<BR>
451. <b>Peltola MA, Seppanen T, Makikallio TH and Huikuri HV</b>. Effects and significance of premature beats on fractal correlation properties of R-R interval dynamics. <i>Annals of Noninvasive Electrocardiology</i> 9: 127-135, 2004.<BR>
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454. <b>Scafetta N and West BJ</b>. Multiscaling comparative analysis of time series and a discussion on "earthquake conversations" in California. <i>Physical Review Letters</i> 92, 2004.<BR>
455. <b>Scafetta N, Grigolini P, Imholt T, Roberts J and West BJ</b>. Solar turbulence in earth's global and regional temperature anomalies. <i>Physical Review E</i> 69, 2004.<BR>
456. <b>Scafetta N, Imholt T, Roberts JA and West BJ</b>. An intensity-expansion method to treat non-stationary time series: an application to the distance between prime numbers. <i>Chaos Solitons & Fractals</i> 20: 119-125, 2004.<BR>
457. <b>Scafetta N and West BJ</b>. Multiresolution diffusion entropy analysis of time series: an application to births to teenagers in Texas. <i>Chaos Solitons & Fractals</i> 20: 179-185, 2004.<BR>
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459. <b>Stadler LM, Sepiol B, Kantelhardt JW, Zizak I, Grubel G and Vogl G</b>. Revealing antiphase-domain dynamics in alloys by combining advanced statistical techniques with x-ray photon correlation spectroscopy. <i>Physical Review B</i> 69, 2004.<BR>
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461. <b>Telesca L, Cuomo V, Lapenna V and Macchiato M</b>. Detrended fluctuation analysis of the spatial variability of the temporal distribution of Southern California seismicity. <i>Chaos Solitons & Fractals</i> 21: 335-342, 2004.<BR>
462. <b>Telesca L, Lapenna V and Macchiato M</b>. Investigating linear and nonlinear behaviours in time dynamics of observational seismic sequences. <i>Chaos Solitons & Fractals</i> 20: 195-203, 2004.<BR>
463. <b>Telesca L, Lapenna V and Macchiato M</b>. Mono- and multi-fractal investigation of scaling properties in temporal patterns of seismic sequences. <i>Chaos Solitons & Fractals</i> 19: 1-15, 2004.<BR>
464. <b>Telesca L and Macchiato M</b>. Time-scaling properties of the Umbria-Marche 1997-1998 seismic crisis, investigated by the detrended fluctuation analysis of interevent time series. <i>Chaos Solitons & Fractals</i> 19: 377-385, 2004.<BR>
465. <b>Varotsos PA, Sarlis NV, Skordas ES and Lazaridou MS</b>. Entropy in the natural time domain. <i>Physical Review E</i> 70, 2004.<BR>
466. <b>Vincenzo LA, Martinelli G and Telesca L</b>. Long-range correlation analysis of earthquake-related geochemical variations recorded in Central Italy. <i>Chaos Solitons & Fractals</i> 21: 491-500, 2004.<BR>
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469. <b>Yoo CS and Yi SH</b>. Effects of detrending for analysis of heart rate variability and applications to the estimation of depth of anesthesia. <i>Journal of the Korean Physical Society</i> 44: 561-568, 2004.<BR>
470. <b>Yulmetyev RM, Emelyanova NA, Demin SA, Gafarov FM, Hanggi P and Yulmetyeva DG</b>. Non-markov stochastic dynamics of real epidemic process of respiratory infections. <i>Physica a-Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications</i> 331: 300-318, 2004.<BR>
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