SCG-RHC: Wearable Seismocardiogram Signal and Right Heart Catheter Database 1.0.0

File: <base>/meta_information/HO_names_RHC.csv (6,841 bytes)
2v cabg2V Coronary artery bypass graft I think "2v" might be a reference to 2 vessels, but I can't be 100% sure without the EMR
aaaAbdominal Aortic Aneurysm? Can't be 100% sure without the EMR
ablationn/aNot an abbrv.
acute renal failuren/aNot an abbrv.
afAtrial fibrillation
af/aflutterAtrial fibrillation/Atrial flutter
af/flutterAtrial fibrillation/Atrial flutter
aflutterAtrial flutter
akiAcute kidney injury
aki on ckdAKI on Chronic kidney disease
aki on ckd3AKI on Chronic kidney disease stage 3
asAortic stenosis? Can't be 100% sure without the EMR
asd/pfoAtrial Septal Defect/Patent Foramen Ovale
atrial arrhythmiasn/aNot an abbrv.
atrial switchn/aNot an abbrv.
avj ablationAtrioventricular Junction Ablation
avrAortic valve replacement
biv hfref 2/2 nicmHeart Failure with Reduced Ejection Fraction Secondary To Nonischemic CardiomyopathyPer Dr. Klein BiV HFrEF (Biventricular HFrEF) should be listed as just HFrEF
blalock hanlon & mustard proceduren/aNot an abbrv.
blt[Unknown]Unknown unless I have more context
cabgCoronary artery bypass graft
cabg & multiple pciCABG & multiple Percutaneous Coronary Intervention
cabg & pciDefinition(s) provided elsewhere
cabg + pciDefinition(s) provided elsewhere
cadCoronary Artery Disease
cardioMEMSn/aNot an abbrv.
carotid body simulatorn/aNot an abbrv.
chbCongenital heart block
chronic afchronic atrial fibrillation
cirrhosisn/aNot an abbrv.
ckdChronic Kidney disease
ckd 5Chronic Kidney disease stage 5
ckd3Chronic kidney disease stage 3
closoureNeed more context/not an abbrv
closureNeed more context/not an abbrv
congestive hepatopathyn/aNot an abbrv.
copdChronic obstructive pulmonary disease
copd on o2COPD on Oxygen
coronary vasospasmn/aNot an abbrv.
crt-dCardiac Resynchronization Therapy Defribrillator
crt-d and ablationDefinition(s) provided elsewhere
crt-pCardiac Resynchronization Therapy Pacemaker
cto of ladChronic Total Occlusion of Left Anterior Descending
d-tgaDextro-Transposition of the Great Arteries
dilated cmDilated Cardiomyopathy
dmDiabetes Mellitus
dm2Diabetes Mellitus Type 2
esrd on hdEnd Stage Renal Disease on Hemodialysis
esrd on pdEnd Stage Renal Disease on Peritoneal Dialysis
hcmHypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
hd[Unknown]Could be hemodialysis or huntington's disease, but I can't be sure without more context/the EMR
hereditary cmHereditary Cardiomyopathy
hf w/borderline efHeart Failure with Boderline Ejection Fraction
hfpefHeart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction
hfpef (ref was very transient per lk)HFpEF (Reduced Ejection Fraction was very transient per Dr. Liviu Klein)Patient's EF was probably in the range of HFrEF, but per Dr. Klein's assessment, patient was classifed as HFpEF because the reduced EF was transient
hfpef 2/2 hcmDefinition(s) provided elsewhere
hfpef 2/2 icmHFpEF secondary to Ischemic Cardiomyopathy
hfpef w/hcmDefinition(s) provided elsewhere
hfrefHeart Failure with Reduced Ejection Fraction
hfref 2/2 familial nicmHFrEF secondary to familial NICM
hfref 2/2 icmDefinition(s) provided elsewhere
hfref 2/2 icm & nicmDefinition(s) provided elsewhere
hfref 2/2 nicmDefinition(s) provided elsewhere
hfref 2/2 non-obstructive hcmDefinition(s) provided elsewhere
hfref 2/2 peripartum cmDefinition(s) provided elsewhere
hfref now w/recovering efHFrEF now with recovering Ejection FractionPatient was diagnosed with HFrEF, but Ejection Fraction is improving
hfref now w/recovering ef 2/2 peripartum cmDefinition(s) provided elsewhere
hfref w/hcmDefinition(s) provided elsewhere
high output hfHigh Output Heart Failure
icdImplantable Cardioverter Defibrillator
icmIschemic Cardiomyopathy
icm/nicmIschemic Cardiomyopathy/Nonischemic Cardiomyopathy
kidney transplantn/aNot an abbrv.
lad stentLeft Anterior Descending Artery stent
lbbbLeft Bundle Branch Block
lv thrombusLeft Ventricular thrombus
lvadLeft ventricular assist device
mazen/aNot an abbrv.
maze & ablationn/aNot an abbrv.
maze & laa ligationMaze & Left Atrial Appendage ligation
maze & tv ringMaze & Tricuspid Ring
mitral clipn/aNot an abbrv.
moderate mrModerate Mitral Regurgitation
moderate trModerate Tricuspid Regurgitation
mrMitral Regurgitation
multiple ablations & mazen/aNot an abbrv.
multiple intracardiac thrombin/aNot an abbrv.
mv annuloplastyMitral Valve annuloplasty
mv endocarditisMitral Valve endocarditis
mv regurgMitral Valve Regurgitation
mv repair & annuloplastyMitral Valve Repair & Annuloplasty
mvrMitral Valve Replacement
myectomyn/aNot an abbrv.
nicmNonischemic Cardiomyopathy
nicm 2/2 peripartum cmDefinition(s) provided elsewhere
nidcmNonischemic Dilated Cardiomyopathy
non-obstructive cadNon-obstructive Coronary Artery Disease
non-occlusive cadNon-occlusive Coronary Artery Disease
non-rheumatic mitral regurgitationn/aNot an abbrv.
nsvtNon-sustained ventricular tachycardia
ohtOrthotopic Heart Transplant
ohtxOrthotopic Heart Transplant
osaObstructive Sleep Apnea
osa on cpapOSA on Continuous Positive Airway Pressure
osa on intermittent cpapDefinition(s) provided elsewhere
padPeripheral Arterial Disease
pafParoxysmal Atrial Fibrillation
paf/aflParoxysmal Atrial Fibrillation/Atrial Flutter
paf/fluttterParoxysmal Atrial Fibrillation/Atrial Flutter
pancreactectomyn/aNot an abbrv.
pciPercutaneous Coronary Intervention
pci to ladPCI to Left Anterior Descending Coronary Artery
peripartum cmPeripartum Cardiomyopathy
phPulmonary Hypertension
ph - requires supplemental o2PH requires supplemental oxygen
phtnPulmonary Hypertension
pkdPolycystic Kidney Disease
post-transplant htnDefinition(s) provided elsewhere
ppmPermanenet Pacemaker
pviPulmonary Vein Isolation
ra c/b pulmonary fibrosis & phtnRheumatoid Arthritis Complicated By pulmonary fibrosis & Pulmonary Hypertension
rhdRheumatic Heart Disease
rv dysfunctionRight Ventricular Dysfunction
rv dysfunction w/moderate trRV Dysfunction with moderate Tricuspid Regurgitation
severe mitral regurgSevere mItral Regurgitation
severe mrSevere Mitral Regurgitation
severe phSevere Pulmonary Hypertension
severe trSevere Tricuspid Regurgitation
sleSystemmic Lupus Erythematosus
sssSick Sinus Syndrome
systemic htnSystemic HTN
tavrTranscatheter Aortic Valve Replacement
torsades de pointesn/aNot an abbrv.
vadVentricular Assist Device
vfVentricular Fibrillation
vsdVentricular Septal Defect
vsd repairVentricular Septal Defect Repair
vtVentricular Tachycardia