SCG-RHC: Wearable Seismocardiogram Signal and Right Heart Catheter Database 1.0.0
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Abbreviations | Definition | Notes |
2v cabg | 2V Coronary artery bypass graft | I think "2v" might be a reference to 2 vessels, but I can't be 100% sure without the EMR |
aaa | Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm? | Can't be 100% sure without the EMR |
ablation | n/a | Not an abbrv. |
acute renal failure | n/a | Not an abbrv. |
af | Atrial fibrillation | |
af/aflutter | Atrial fibrillation/Atrial flutter | |
af/flutter | Atrial fibrillation/Atrial flutter | |
aflutter | Atrial flutter | |
aki | Acute kidney injury | |
aki on ckd | AKI on Chronic kidney disease | |
aki on ckd3 | AKI on Chronic kidney disease stage 3 | |
as | Aortic stenosis? | Can't be 100% sure without the EMR |
asd/pfo | Atrial Septal Defect/Patent Foramen Ovale | |
atrial arrhythmias | n/a | Not an abbrv. |
atrial switch | n/a | Not an abbrv. |
avj ablation | Atrioventricular Junction Ablation | |
avr | Aortic valve replacement | |
biv hfref 2/2 nicm | Heart Failure with Reduced Ejection Fraction Secondary To Nonischemic Cardiomyopathy | Per Dr. Klein BiV HFrEF (Biventricular HFrEF) should be listed as just HFrEF |
blalock hanlon & mustard procedure | n/a | Not an abbrv. |
blt | [Unknown] | Unknown unless I have more context |
cabg | Coronary artery bypass graft | |
cabg & multiple pci | CABG & multiple Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | |
cabg & pci | Definition(s) provided elsewhere | |
cabg + pci | Definition(s) provided elsewhere | |
cad | Coronary Artery Disease | |
cardioMEMS | n/a | Not an abbrv. |
carotid body simulator | n/a | Not an abbrv. |
chb | Congenital heart block | |
chronic af | chronic atrial fibrillation | |
cirrhosis | n/a | Not an abbrv. |
ckd | Chronic Kidney disease | |
ckd 5 | Chronic Kidney disease stage 5 | |
ckd3 | Chronic kidney disease stage 3 | |
closoure | Need more context/not an abbrv | |
closure | Need more context/not an abbrv | |
congestive hepatopathy | n/a | Not an abbrv. |
copd | Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease | |
copd on o2 | COPD on Oxygen | |
coronary vasospasm | n/a | Not an abbrv. |
crt-d | Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Defribrillator | |
crt-d and ablation | Definition(s) provided elsewhere | |
crt-p | Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Pacemaker | |
cto of lad | Chronic Total Occlusion of Left Anterior Descending | |
d-tga | Dextro-Transposition of the Great Arteries | |
dilated cm | Dilated Cardiomyopathy | |
dm | Diabetes Mellitus | |
dm2 | Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 | |
esrd on hd | End Stage Renal Disease on Hemodialysis | |
esrd on pd | End Stage Renal Disease on Peritoneal Dialysis | |
hcm | Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy | |
hd | [Unknown] | Could be hemodialysis or huntington's disease, but I can't be sure without more context/the EMR |
hereditary cm | Hereditary Cardiomyopathy | |
hf w/borderline ef | Heart Failure with Boderline Ejection Fraction | |
hfpef | Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction | |
hfpef (ref was very transient per lk) | HFpEF (Reduced Ejection Fraction was very transient per Dr. Liviu Klein) | Patient's EF was probably in the range of HFrEF, but per Dr. Klein's assessment, patient was classifed as HFpEF because the reduced EF was transient |
hfpef 2/2 hcm | Definition(s) provided elsewhere | |
hfpef 2/2 icm | HFpEF secondary to Ischemic Cardiomyopathy | |
hfpef w/hcm | Definition(s) provided elsewhere | |
hfref | Heart Failure with Reduced Ejection Fraction | |
hfref 2/2 familial nicm | HFrEF secondary to familial NICM | |
hfref 2/2 icm | Definition(s) provided elsewhere | |
hfref 2/2 icm & nicm | Definition(s) provided elsewhere | |
hfref 2/2 nicm | Definition(s) provided elsewhere | |
hfref 2/2 non-obstructive hcm | Definition(s) provided elsewhere | |
hfref 2/2 peripartum cm | Definition(s) provided elsewhere | |
hfref now w/recovering ef | HFrEF now with recovering Ejection Fraction | Patient was diagnosed with HFrEF, but Ejection Fraction is improving |
hfref now w/recovering ef 2/2 peripartum cm | Definition(s) provided elsewhere | |
hfref w/hcm | Definition(s) provided elsewhere | |
high output hf | High Output Heart Failure | |
htn | Hypertension | |
icd | Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator | |
icm | Ischemic Cardiomyopathy | |
icm/nicm | Ischemic Cardiomyopathy/Nonischemic Cardiomyopathy | |
kidney transplant | n/a | Not an abbrv. |
lad stent | Left Anterior Descending Artery stent | |
lbbb | Left Bundle Branch Block | |
lv thrombus | Left Ventricular thrombus | |
lvad | Left ventricular assist device | |
maze | n/a | Not an abbrv. |
maze & ablation | n/a | Not an abbrv. |
maze & laa ligation | Maze & Left Atrial Appendage ligation | |
maze & tv ring | Maze & Tricuspid Ring | |
mitral clip | n/a | Not an abbrv. |
moderate mr | Moderate Mitral Regurgitation | |
moderate tr | Moderate Tricuspid Regurgitation | |
mr | Mitral Regurgitation | |
multiple ablations & maze | n/a | Not an abbrv. |
multiple intracardiac thrombi | n/a | Not an abbrv. |
mv annuloplasty | Mitral Valve annuloplasty | |
mv endocarditis | Mitral Valve endocarditis | |
mv regurg | Mitral Valve Regurgitation | |
mv repair & annuloplasty | Mitral Valve Repair & Annuloplasty | |
mvr | Mitral Valve Replacement | |
myectomy | n/a | Not an abbrv. |
nicm | Nonischemic Cardiomyopathy | |
nicm 2/2 peripartum cm | Definition(s) provided elsewhere | |
nidcm | Nonischemic Dilated Cardiomyopathy | |
non-obstructive cad | Non-obstructive Coronary Artery Disease | |
non-occlusive cad | Non-occlusive Coronary Artery Disease | |
non-rheumatic mitral regurgitation | n/a | Not an abbrv. |
nsvt | Non-sustained ventricular tachycardia | |
oht | Orthotopic Heart Transplant | |
ohtx | Orthotopic Heart Transplant | |
osa | Obstructive Sleep Apnea | |
osa on cpap | OSA on Continuous Positive Airway Pressure | |
osa on intermittent cpap | Definition(s) provided elsewhere | |
pad | Peripheral Arterial Disease | |
paf | Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation | |
paf/afl | Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation/Atrial Flutter | |
paf/fluttter | Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation/Atrial Flutter | |
pancreactectomy | n/a | Not an abbrv. |
pci | Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | |
pci to lad | PCI to Left Anterior Descending Coronary Artery | |
peripartum cm | Peripartum Cardiomyopathy | |
ph | Pulmonary Hypertension | |
ph - requires supplemental o2 | PH requires supplemental oxygen | |
phtn | Pulmonary Hypertension | |
pkd | Polycystic Kidney Disease | |
pm | Pacemaker | |
post-transplant htn | Definition(s) provided elsewhere | |
ppm | Permanenet Pacemaker | |
pvi | Pulmonary Vein Isolation | |
ra c/b pulmonary fibrosis & phtn | Rheumatoid Arthritis Complicated By pulmonary fibrosis & Pulmonary Hypertension | |
rhd | Rheumatic Heart Disease | |
rv dysfunction | Right Ventricular Dysfunction | |
rv dysfunction w/moderate tr | RV Dysfunction with moderate Tricuspid Regurgitation | |
severe mitral regurg | Severe mItral Regurgitation | |
severe mr | Severe Mitral Regurgitation | |
severe ph | Severe Pulmonary Hypertension | |
severe tr | Severe Tricuspid Regurgitation | |
sle | Systemmic Lupus Erythematosus | |
sss | Sick Sinus Syndrome | |
systemic htn | Systemic HTN | |
tavr | Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | |
torsades de pointes | n/a | Not an abbrv. |
vad | Ventricular Assist Device | |
vf | Ventricular Fibrillation | |
vsd | Ventricular Septal Defect | |
vsd repair | Ventricular Septal Defect Repair | |
vt | Ventricular Tachycardia |